
Poetic Gatherings: Volume One

Favorite Poems Found On Medium This Week

Kevin J Fellows


pen and paper and a few lines of writing
Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now. Poets have found a home on Medium and I’ve always wanted to highlight and share the poems I enjoy most.

Medium poets cover poetry’s full range of styles, forms, and experience. My goal is simply to collect and highlight those expressed in delightful or challenging ways. Lines and images that make me think differently.

This week, Ema Dumitru’s “Shoe Bites” and the line:
Boots stomp / in the ash of an old self is full of truth. The title pulled me in, in that odd and challenging way only poetry can.

“The Last Stop is Ataraxia” has an arresting title, by Debdutta Pal. The images conjured by darkness that is wholly mine and fire-breathing custodians are equally interesting.

You can see my full list below:

Gatherings: Volume One

7 stories

When I’m not writing, I provide a range of editing services for authors and poets at my website: kevinjfellows.com



Kevin J Fellows

Novelist & Poet. Author of At the End of the World and the poetry collection, An Important Sky. Fiction and poetry editor. Podcaster. More at: kevinjfellows.com